I have two moods. “The majority of people are good” and “What the fuck?”. There is no in-between. Lately, I have been camping out on the WTF side. I thought we could all agree that Russia was the bad guy. Russia invaded Ukraine. We all saw it happen on our television screens. We have been watching Zelensky and his soldiers fight tyranny for three years. Yet, HALF of the nation is rewriting history. Accepting nightmare propaganda as fact, snuggling up to Putin and other dictators of the world. What the fuck are we doing?
I’ve never been a neutral bitch. One thing is for sure, I am going to stand up for what I believe in. I don’t worship politicians because that it is weird. My beliefs lean toward the democratic side, only because having empathy for humankind has been labeled democratic. However, the democrats are acting like a bunch of bootlicking weenies. Trump is stampeding all over our democracy and they are wearing pink jackets. Trump isn’t playing by the rules. We will not be able to stop him, by the same rules that have allowed him to get here. We elected our representatives to do something. Al Green is the only man who should still have a job.
I’m sick of this shit. Sick of men making laws about women’s bodies. Sick of billionaires building wealth off the back of the working class. I am so sick of the elite profiting from, prisons, sick people, the poor, and vulnerable. I am sick of bickering with republicans while the rich run away with more of what is rightfully ours. Food. Shelter. Healthcare. Those are human rights. Dare I say education, too. Having an educated population would means consequences for our government. They certainly do not want that.
You can’t be for the billionaires AND for the people. Two sides of an economical coin. In their eyes we are worker bees. Nothing more. Please hear me when I say this. Billionaires do not give a damn about the average American. Do you think Elon Musk relates the retired American who lives off of a social security check? Someone budgeting their measly $800 monthly income? The man has never earned a paycheck in his life. He has built his fortune off the backs of other people. There is no such thing as an ethical billionaire. Yes, that also means Taylor Swift.
Donald Trump is alienating us from the world, and our allies. Nobody is powerful alone. The bully is never respected. This feels like an abusive relationship. We are dating a narcissist, and an intervention is needed. The people must do something.
What do we do? I do not have the answers. I wish I did. I have been powering through with little acts of resistance. I do my best to stay informed. I call out lies when I hear them. People who spread misinformation should feel uncomfortable. I ask for sources in conversation. Facts matter. I also surround myself with people who bring me joy. Joy is a form of resistance. They want us unhappy, unhealthy, and uneducated.
Take care of yourself, Boo. Read a book. Eat the rich.
